Human Relationships: The Best Marketing for Pharmacists

a pharmacy or medical supply store employee guiding an older female customer to view home safety products, NOVA HME products visible on back wall; The Bone Store

Independent pharmacies don’t always have the cash or resources to run extensive marketing campaigns. Even if you have a higher marketing budget, it can still be difficult to convince people to choose your store over websites like Amazon and big chain store pharmacies. How can you do more effective marketing for your pharmacy when the odds are seemingly stacked against you?

If you own an independent pharmacy, you can leverage one marketing resource that your competitors don’t have: your ability to create strong relationships with your customers.

Let’s show you why human relationships are the best marketing for pharmacists, and how you can curate these relationships at your store to help ReNOVAte Your Revenue.

Strong Customer Relationships Benefit Your Pharmacy

We’ve found that many independent pharmacies want to advertise their product prices, one-time sales, or prescription services.

It can be useful to advertise these things, but they don’t make your pharmacy stand out from the crowd. After all, every pharmacy offers prescription services and one-time sales, and customers can often find the best prices on health products by shopping online. It can be difficult to beat the pricing on websites like Amazon.

Here’s another challenge: doing this type of marketing costs more money, whether you’re creating digital ads or putting ads in the local paper.

The best marketing for pharmacists is a happy customer. When you focus on bringing joy to your customers and providing them with quality care, you’ll not only gain a returning customer, but one  who will spread the word around your community. It’s the most effective and budget-friendly marketing that an independent pharmacy can do!

Customers will want to keep coming back to your pharmacy when:

  • They know you care about their health and happiness
  • You offer unique wellness products they won’t find anywhere else
  • Your pharmacy becomes more than just a retail store—it becomes a positive and hopeful wellness space that people feel comfortable visiting for their health needs

Neither Amazon nor big retail chains are able to offer this type of customer experience; their staff are spread far too thin, and may not know the ins and outs of the equipment they have in stock. 

When purchasing HME, it’s vital that customers understand exactly what they are buying and how to safely and comfortably use their new equipment. So, if you want to do more effective marketing for less money, focus first on building strong human relationships.

How To Build Positive Human Relationships at Your Pharmacy

It’s easier than you think to build strong relationships with your customers. Here are a few tips:

  • Offer Empathy and Kindness: When people are shopping for certain wellness products, they might feel shy, ashamed, or even fearful. You can put these customers at ease by exuding warmth and empathy in all your interactions. It starts with a friendly greeting at the front door and continues throughout their shopping experience.
  • Give Total Wellness Support: Any pharmacy can sell over-the-counter medicine. Your pharmacy can offer something a little more impactful by providing total wellness support for your customers. In addition to helping your customers find the right product, your staff can also provide wellness advice and educational resources to help your customers better manage every aspect of their health challenge.
  • Have Products That Make an Impact: Not every customer visits a pharmacy for prescription refills or OTC medication. Many customers visit pharmacies for other types of wellness products, such as vitamins, mobility aids, and essential oils. Offer these products at your pharmacy and make sure your staff is prepared to assist your guests with them.

Read our blog on the most common pharmacy items that customers shop for.

Learn More About How To ReNOVAte Your Revenue

Not sure how to get started transforming your retail experience? NOVA can help you create a retail space that wows your customers and creates buzz in your community.

We offer you a wide pallet of educational resources, staff training programs, and thorough product support so you can infuse your retail space with joy and empower your customers.

Learn more about how NOVA can help you ReNOVAte Your Revenue.

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