How To Fix the Brakes on a Rollator Walker

someone (out of frame) with a tool in hand, fixing the brakes on a rollator walker

If you’re wondering how to fix or adjust the brakes on your NOVA rollator walker, the easiest way is to take your rollator to a local NOVA dealer for servicing! Our partner HME stores and pharmacies offer fast and reliable servicing for our NOVA walkers and rollators, and can quickly fix or adjust the brakes.

However, if you’d like to give it a go from the comfort of your own home, you can follow these steps to get the brakes working as good as new!

Supplies You Need

  • Wirecutters
  • Phillips screwdriver
  • 2mm Allen wrench
  • Needle nose pliers

Adjusting the Brakes on a Rollator

If the rollator brakes are too hard or too soft, you can first try to easily adjust them by following these steps.

For brakes that do not lock:

  1. Loosen the cable locking screw on the brake shoe
  1. Pull all slack out of the cable while fully pushing down on the brake shoe, and fully tighten the cable locking screw to secure the cable

You can also:

  1. Turn the top tension screw counterclockwise, which will lower the brake shoe closer to the wheel
  2. Once adjusted, tighten the locking nut against the housing

If your brakes are too tight or hard to lock:

  1. Turn the tension screw clockwise, which will raise the brake shoe away from the wheel

Related Blog: The Benefits of Taking Your Mobility Walker for a Test Drive

Replacing the Brake Cable on a Rollator

In most cases, the best way to fix the brakes on your NOVA rollator is to replace the brake cable. Let’s walk you through each step of the process. While there may be several steps, they are easy to execute.  Watch our video above for a visual demonstration.

First, you need to remove the old brake cable:

  1. Cut the end of the cable using wire cutters
  1. Using a Philips screwdriver, loosen the cable locking screw (located on the side of the brake shoe); some brake shoes may require a 2mm Allen wrench
  1. Lift the brake handle to release the cable from the brake shoe
  2. Pull off the brake handle while sliding out the cable
  1. Remove the cap from the front of the brake housing
  2. Using a pair of needle nose pliers, push the barrel end of the cable out of the brake housing
  3. Completely pull out the brake handle

Now, you can install a new brake cable:

  1. Insert and thread the end of the new cable and cover it with the cap
  1. Make a slight bend approximately 1 inch from the end of the cable
  2. With the bend facing downward, insert the cable of the large center wheel, inside the handle
  3. Push the cable so that it comes out under the small lower wheel
  1. Insert and thread the cable through the bottom hole inside of the brake housing
  1. Pull the cable until the handle fits inside the brake housing
  1. Thread the cable through the cable cover
  1. Insert the tip of the cable cover into the top tension screw
  2. Insert and thread the end of the cable through the lower tension screw; the tip of the cable cover must fit inside the tension screw
  1. Insert and thread the cable through the brake shoe
  2. Turn the top tension screw counterclockwise about 8 turns for needed adjustments (Do not turn if already unscrewed)
  3. Pull all slack out of the cable while fully pushing down on the brake shoe
  4. Ensure that the brake handle is NOT in the locked position
  5. Pull the cable and fully tighten the cable locking screw while pushing down on the brake shoe
  6. Cut the cable approximately 2 to 3 inches below the brake shoe
  7. Crimp the end of the cable to keep it from fraying
  1. Bend the cable up and away from the wheel

Let the Experts Fix Your Rollator Walker for You

If you have a NOVA rollator and don’t feel comfortable adjusting or replacing the brakes on your own, then it’s best to head down to your local NOVA dealer.  Our partner pharmacies and HME stores will have experienced staff on hand who know how to fix your rollator brakes in little to no time.  They can also service any issue on your NOVA rollator including replacing wheels, seats and hand brakes.  

You can use our dealer locator to find a HME store or  pharmacy near you that services NOVA rollators and walkers, or find all NOVA Product Guides and Warranty Information on our Website. Don’t have one within accessible distance in your area? You may be able to find assistance at a bike shop (the brakes on a bicycle are very similar to those on our rollators, and they should be able to help!).

Own a pharmacy or medical supply store? Quickly prepare your staff to sell and service NOVA rollators with the NOVA MVP video-based training program!

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