A Pharmacy’s Best Asset: NOVA Medical Equipment Supplier

Two pharmacists in work setting, smiling happily about their medical equipment supplier partner

Running an independent pharmacy is no small responsibility. You spend so much of your time and energy taking special care of your customers, but that’s only one part of your job. You also handle everything behind the scenes: inventory, billing, staffing, growth strategies and marketing, and more.

That’s why NOVA is truly a pharmacy’s best partner. We can provide you with high-quality medical products that will bring joy to your customers, but that is just the beginning. We also give you tools and resources to deliver exceptional customer service, train your staff and grow your pharmacy.

No Supplier Like NOVA

NOVA is no ordinary medical equipment supplier. We’re a trusted partner that’s committed to helping you empower your customers.

Think about everything you need to run a successful and destination pharmacy:

  • Strong revenue and margin products that your customers need 
  • An engaging retail space
  • Knowledgeable staff
  • Effective marketing

NOVA can help you in each of these areas. When you partner with us, you’re not only getting a reliable medical equipment supplier, but a strategic relationship that cares about your success.

Access to High-Quality HME

First and foremost, NOVA is a trusted medical equipment supplier that can provide you with high-quality home medical equipment, backed by the best warranty and service in the industry.  We are the brand of the independents so we do not sell to the big chains or undercut your value on Amazon. We offer a wide range of Home Medical Equipment that include:

With over 30 years of providing the best in HME products, customers love and trust NOVA. 

Enhance Your Customer Engagement

As a pharmacy owner, it’s your mission to have your customers walk out the door feeling more hopeful and empowered than when they came in.  You offer an in-store experience that is not available on-line or at the mass chains. 

One way you can accomplish that goal is by creating a retail space that’s highly engaging for customers. NOVA can help you turn the aisles of your pharmacy into spaces where your customers can discover and test out different medical devices, enabling them to find the product that’s perfectly-suited to tackle their mobility challenges.

Become an Expert

NOVA doesn’t just supply you with home medical equipment; we offer a comprehensive suite of resources that turn you into a NOVA product expert. You’ll be able to match customers with the right NOVA products and answer all their questions.

NOVA’s MVP (Most Valuable Person) Training Program is short, effective and empowering. We also offer online resources covering care tips, product options, repair tutorials, retail strategies, and more.

Receive a Marketing Boost

There might be customers in your area who are looking for NOVA products. When you join our SuperNOVA network, you can make your pharmacy more visible to those customers.

When you’re a part of SuperNOVA, you’ll get a priority ranking on our Dealer Locator, plus exclusive benefits including free test-drive products, marketing resources and funds.  

NOVA: More Than a Medical Equipment Supplier

If your goal is to empower and improve the lives of  your customers, then you deserve a medical equipment supplier that’s committed to helping you do just that. Partner with NOVA to infuse your independent pharmacy—and your customers—with joy.

Contact NOVA to learn more about how we can be your HME partner. 

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